Claire de Lys
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Vers les nouveautés


and Tantric Massage

with Claire de Lys

Coach and psychotherapist in Paris.

You can make appointment for massage or private session at +33 607 941 315

New! Coaching by phone.

You can pay with Paypal. Marque d'acceptation (See Rate page)


You can receive my program each month if you ask me by mail : contact us at the bottom of this page.




* Develop your sensuality by Tantra.

* Awake and stimulate your desire.

* Men, learn the multi-orgasm.

* Women, learn cosmic orgasm and become a love guide.


Who is Claire de Lys ?

* Psychotherapist - Channel
* Manager of congres
* Yoga Teacher - Sexologist
* Worked in India and U.S.A.
* Collaborates with doctors, psychiatrists, psycho

Claire is a specialist in sexual problems :

  • Men : premature ejaculation
  • Women: frigidity, lake of desire, trauma, fear of man.



(Haut de Page)